Sunday, October 18, 2009

Soldier's Angels

Not that I have so many readers, but I want to highlight a very worthy cause which is in need of support.

Soldier's Angels is a wonderful nonprofit group which supports members of all branches of the armed forces through a series of projects and events. There are a number of crafting teams where for example, you can donate handmade blankets to veterans recovering in military hospitals, or bake homemade treats as part of the Angel Bakers to send to the troops.

Then there is adoptions. You sign up, and are given the name and address of a deployed soldier. You are asked to write about once a week, and send a care package once a month. You do this for the remainder of the soldier's deployment.

I am on my 4th adoption, with sporadic additional activities with the group and I have to say, its a great feeling to be able to help. Whatever your political stance is, the fact is that our guys and girls are away from home, in harms way, and whatever we can do to assist them is a worthwhile effort. Remember when those "support our troops" ribbon magnets were showing up on every car? I used to laugh because while people were slapping magnets on their cars and feeling like they were doing something so useful, I was actually supporting our troops in my small way.

So if you've got a moment, browse through the website. They're short on angels for adoptions right now, and the other groups can use all the help they can get.

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