Friday, July 31, 2009

Woad is me!

Leaving for Pennsic in just about 27 hours! Pennsic being the weeklong medieval camping trip I've been making myself crazy preparing for.

Today I went digging through everything in an effort to find some accessories. I found some, and also the woad powder I bought at Pennsic last year. Needless to say, my hands got very blue!

Below, our camp chicken, roosting on the underdress I made for Mel. He was a quick project, probably under half an hour. We needed livestock for camp, so...chicken!

Even with my vast collection, I suddenly got self concious about my jewelry. I decided I needed some medieval jewelry fit for a queen since I'm sort of playing one. I made a lovely necklace with pearls and coral barrel beads, with sterling silver accents, and am working on another with moonstone so bright it nearly glows. Did some wire linking with snowflake obsidian and lovely black and green stone I forgot the name of, to support a pretty cast pewter key (bought last year at Pennsic, found in the bag with the woad.) I also made my man a gift, which I hope he likes, but won't be offended if he doesn't (see below.) His very own viking treasure necklace, with a center pendant I made, as well as two beads (the red and green to either side of the center) which I made as well. I thought he could use some accessories, and these are just too much fun!

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